sundgadoom(6) Games and Demos sundgadoom(6)
sundgadoom - Solaris version of popular pc game rev 1.8
sundgadoom - [ 1234 ] [ -net [ 1234 ] hostname1 [ hostname2
[ hostname3 ]
[ -port portnum ] ] [ -mp ] [ -showkeysym ] [ generic-doom-
arguments ]
This program is furnished on an AS IS basis for the fun of
it. Neither Sun Microsystems nor Id Software can support
this program.
Sundgadoom is a complex, violent virtual reality game that
can be played alone against the monsters or with/against
other workstation users. For those unfamiliar with the
game, please consult the file README.sun for the basic
details, cheat codes, help, ftp locations, .....
In order to work properly, your path needs to include the
location of the sundgadoom and sndserver binaries. The wad
file must either be in the current directory, or the
environment variable DOOMWADDIR must point to where one of
the wad files can be found.
Games are always saved to the current directory, so using a
consistent directory in which to playsundgadoom is probably
a good idea.
These are the most popular options; others used in the PC
version of the game may or may not work. They are described
fully in the dmfaq666.txt file.
Run the game with the specified amount of magnifica-
tion. -1 is pretty small on Sun screens 320 x 200 ), -4
results in a 1280 pixel wide image. Sundgadoom will not
allow the image to be larger than the screen and prints
an error message and exits if the desired image size
will not fit on the screen. The smaller the screen,
the faster the game.
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sundgadoom(6) Games and Demos sundgadoom(6)
@ <filename>
Used to read in a command line parm file
Activates DeathMatch v2.0 (v1.4 and above)
-avg Ends the game after 20 minutes
Starts NetDoom in Deathmatch mode
Puts you in developers mode
-episode num
Starts on episode (1-3)
Nightmare mode without respawn of dead monsters
-file <full pathname>
Allows usage of an external PWAD file
-loadgame <game number>
Starts from a saved game (0-5)
-mp Use second CPU for drawing if your machine has one.
On by default when using -4 size option.
-net playerindex hostname1 [hostname2] [hostname3]
This is perhaps the neatest feature in doom - you can
play each other. To start a net game between three
workstations named huey, dewey and louie, one would
enter the following commands for the respective works-
huey% sundgadoom -net 1 dewey louie
dewey% sundgadoom -net 2 huey louie
louie% sundgadoom -net 3 huey dewey
You can choose to play cooperatively or shoot each
other in the back - it's up to you.
Starts the game without monsters. Handy if all you
want to shoot are the other net players :-).
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sundgadoom(6) Games and Demos sundgadoom(6)
No sound at all
-playdemo <name w/o .LMP>
Plays back a recorded demo
-port <number>
Specify an alternate port for network play.
Causes enemies to respawn in non-Nightmare
Print value of key press on stdout; useful for quickly
remapping keys via one's ~/.doomrc file.
-skill <skill level>
Starts on skill level (1-5)
-turbo <speed 1-255>
Increases the speed of the marine
-warp <episode> <evel>
Warps to episode (1-3) level (1-9)
-wart <episode> <level>
Loads a PWAD named ExMy.wad
Sundgadoom works only on Solaris releases 2.4 and above. It
has been run on the following platforms: SS1+, IPC, IPX,
SS2, SSLX, SS5, SS10, SS20. It has been run on the follow-
ing framebuffers: CG3, CG6 (GX & TGX), SX, TCX, and ZX. If
your machine/framebuffer isn't listed above, try running the
sunxdoom executable; this uses the MIT SHM extension to get
the pixels on the screen. Yes, it's slower, so use a
smaller window.
The best performance will be obtained from machines that
have framebuffers on the memory bus such as the SX and the
TCX. The SS5, SS10, SS20 and LX do pretty well with a CG6-
type framebuffer. The SS2 and earlier machines suffer from
the lack of integer divide & multiply instructions.
Note that a SS20 612 with an SX framebuffer running with the
- mp and -turbo 255 options is a rather overwhelming death-
match advantage.
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sundgadoom(6) Games and Demos sundgadoom(6)
The directory where sundgadoom can find the wad files.
Wad files contain the doom world database.
PATH Your path variable needs to include the directory con-
taining the sndserver binary.
The full path name of the audio device or pipe. If the
AUDIODEV variable is not set, /dev/audio is used. The
sndserver will write 11.025 khz 16bit stereo PCM if it
is supported or the device is a pipe. Oterhwise the
sound is converted to the format handled by all SPARC
hardware equipped with sound, 8khz 8 bit ulaw.
The doom executable that uses DGA for maximum speed.
The doom executable that uses the MIT SHM extension for
drawing. Less platform dependent than sundgadoom.
The executable that handles sound output for the doom
game. If it isn't in your path, you won't get any
Contains configuration and keymap and sound defaults.
To adjust key mappings, try using the -showkeysym
Description of sun port from Id.
The latest version of the popular Frequently Asked
Questions regarding doom.
The shareware version. Yes, sun*doom will play the
registered wad, doom ][ and external/ third party wads.
You will need the registered version to play any third
party wads; see the README.sun file for ordering
If sundgadoom exits immediately at startup with the message
"Game mode indeterminate." it means sundgadoom cannot find
the wad files. One of the wad files specified above must be
SunOS 5.4 Last change: 15 Dec 1994 4
sundgadoom(6) Games and Demos sundgadoom(6)
present in the current directory or the environent variable
DOOMWADDIR must point to where one of the wad files may be
Occasionally the colormap will not install properly; this is
a known bug. Pressing tab or any other key will often fix
it, but sometimes it is necessary to restart the game. The
game always maps in the center of the screen; place the cur-
sor where the game ends up mapping prevents this from occur-
The high/low graphic detail selection is broken and will not
be fixed - run it in the default high resolution mode.
In order to allow the game to run as fast as
possible,sundgadoom refuses to render the screen if it is at
all obscured. Any window or icon or menu placed on top of
the screen causes the game to stop rendering. To resume
play, remove the offending window.
Keep in mind that some of the doom][ wads have bugs; errors
such as Bad texture map column are in the wad, not in the
Note that any other features of the game are just that -
features. This game is offered as-is, with no support pos-
sible or offered from either Sun or id Software. For help,
please try the doom-related newsgroups such as*. Neither id Software or Sun nor
anyone who worked on this project is responsible for any
missed deadlines, meetings or loss of sleep and productivity
resulting from playing sundgadoom.
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